Thursday, May 28, 2015

A Very Loud Baby!

Our little boy is going to be 4 months old in one week! I can't believe it! He has already doubled his weight and is continuing to grow so fast. He has lots of little fat rolls that I just can't stop pinching! When he was born he weighed only 6 lbs. The doctors then informed us a day later that he had lost a lot of weight and only weighed 4 lbs 12 oz.(Turned out that they weighed him wrong and he really weighed 5 lbs 12oz.) We were shocked and worried out of our minds. Apparently we thought he was eating, but he wasn't. He kept falling asleep and I just thought he was getting enough to eat. I guess he just liked sleeping more than he liked eating.

He has such a fun personality and I think he is going to be a lot like his dad. Lately he is very loud and talkative. I love it! He will laugh and giggle to things we do. He is getting so good at staying vocal. I think he loves attention because every time I am on my computer he will start yelling. When I come down to his level he smile and giggles, like he is saying, "Haha Mom! I got you to pay attention to me!" I love this little boy and everything he is becoming.

The past few weeks I have been obsessed with making cupcakes. I get such big cravings for them and then when I make them I only seem to want one or two. I think I enjoy making them more than I enjoy eating them. Which is weird because usually I can eat them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner! What's wrong with me?? I just have to keep telling myself that it is better this way! Haha.

Lemon Blueberry

Andes mints and chocolate!